Mulderadweg - bicycle route in the Ore Mountains district

Interesting things along the Mulde Bicycle Route

Here you will find information on some interesting points directly on and about the Mulde Bicycle Route:


Hammerherrenhaus Auerhammer

Auerhammer is a district of Aue.  Formerly independent, Neudörfel first merged with the village Auerhammer in 1920, and then in 1930 they were both incorporated to ...
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The canal on the opposite shore of the Mulde River, which was a man-made trench for log driving, is called the “Flossgraben”. It was built in 1556 – 1559 and was an outstanding ...
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Schindler’s factory

Schindlersches Blaufarbenwerk

The Schindler’s Cobalt Blue Dye Works was founded in 1649 by a trader from Schneeberg named Erasmus Schindler and is directly associated with the invention of the ...
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Günther & Richter

Papierfabrik Günther & Richter

In 1880, the merchants, Gottfried Guenther and Clemens Richter, built a pulp mill here, where the Sosa brook flows into the Mulde River. Initially, the factory produced white ...
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Old railway

Steilstrecke Eibenstock

If you plan to use the bicycle route today between Aue and Wolfsgruen, you’ll be riding along an 11 kmlong section of the railroad embankment of the former railway line ...
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Tunnel at Bockau

Nördliches Portal vor Beginn der Arbeiten

The bike ride through the approximately 294 m long former railway tunnel near Bockau is one of the attractions at the section of the Mulderadweg bicycle route between ...
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Zustand einer ehem. Bahnbrücke vor Baubeginn

From 2010–2013 the former railway line between Aue and Wolfsgrün was turned into a bike path. Here are pictures of the work on the Bockau Tunnel and the former railway ...
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Converting to bicycle trail

Umbau zum Radweg

After a period of approximately three years, the grand opening of the approx 12 km long section of the Mulde valley bicycle route between Aue and Wolfsgrün took place. However, ...
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Europäische Union
Dieses Projekt wird im Rahmen des „Entwicklungsprogramms für den ländlichen Raum im Freistaat Sachsen 2007-2013“ unter Beteiligung der Europäischen Union und dem Freistaat Sachsen, vertreten durch das Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft, gefördert.
Europäischer Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums: Hier investiert Europa in die ländlichen Gebiete.