Mulderadweg - bicycle route in the Ore Mountains district

Course of the Mulde River

am Viadukt Göhren bei Wechselburg - Foto: Dietmar Grummt /
zwischen Zwickau und Waldenburg - Foto: Dietmar Grummt /
Wörlitzer Park bei Dessau-Roßlau / Foto: Steffen Schubert /

The course of the Mulde is divided into three sections. The tributary Freiberger Mulde, has its source in Moldava in the Czech Republic and runs approx 125 km before merging with the Zwickauer Mulde tributary near Sermuth. The Zwickauer Mulde has its source near Schoeneck in Vogtland and runs approx 165 km before joining the Freiberger Mulde near Sermuth.  The two tributaries then flow together from Sermuth approx. 145 km to the Elbe River near Dessau-Rosslau.

The Mulde is the fastest flowing river in Europe!

The nature of the cycling route along the Freiberger Mulde is very diverse. Because of the hilly terrain, there is a constant change from quiet side streets to bicycle trails both paved and unpaved, forest and field paths, but also now and then sections with moderate traffic.

There are no signs at the beginning of the cycling route along the Mulde River near Schoeneck. Here you travel on forest paths and roads, and also through quiet and moderately busy streets. The newer, well-developed section in Erzgebirge between Wolfsgrün (near Eibenstock) and Aue is 12 km long and offers connecting routes to nearby towns. Direction signs point you farther along the river for 100 km—as far as Sermuth.

From Sermuth, the Mulderadweg cycling route follows the Mulde River, mostly along quiet, country roads, bicycle trails and forest paths. It ends in Dessau-Rosslau, directly where the Elbe cycling route intersects with the Europe cycling route R1.

Photos and images on this page:, Dietmar Grummt & Steffen Schubert /

Europäische Union
Dieses Projekt wird im Rahmen des „Entwicklungsprogramms für den ländlichen Raum im Freistaat Sachsen 2007-2013“ unter Beteiligung der Europäischen Union und dem Freistaat Sachsen, vertreten durch das Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Landwirtschaft, gefördert.
Europäischer Landwirtschaftsfonds für die Entwicklung des ländlichen Raums: Hier investiert Europa in die ländlichen Gebiete.